Thursday, March 5, 2020

Santa Ana Private Tutor Reacting to your final exam grades

Santa Ana Private Tutor Reacting to your final exam grades Tips from a Santa Ana Private Tutor: Reacting to your final exam grades Tips from a Santa Ana Private Tutor: Reacting to your final exam grades Some students might have gotten straight As on all their final exams. This is awesome, and they should celebrate. On the other hand, the majority of student’s need a little bit of extra help dealing with the news. There are different levels of disappointment if things didn’t go well varying from a B+ on an exam that a student was sure they were going to ace all the way down to a failing grade that the student now has to remedy prior to the end of the school year. Once the reality has set in its a good idea for students to think about practical applications that can help them turn the situation around and salvage the remainder of the year score higher on your next final with the help of our Santa Ana tutoring services. 1. Did you try your best? If the answer is yes, and you still got a poor grade, it may be time to ask for help. Students who studied like crazy, made finals their priority, and worked diligently but still didnt do well may need the help of a tutor or their classroom teacher. Getting a little extra help can go a long way when it comes to the next round of final exams.   If the answer is no, then its time to implement an organizational and study plan for the remainder of the school year. Students who are transitioning to the 9th grade or who are in their senior year, and suffering from senioritis, might have thought it would be easier to ace an exam then it is. Students going through any academic transition are encouraged to have a plan that makes their educational tasks a priority from now until June (READ: Irvine AP Tutor: 4 Reasons You Should Form an AP Study Group ASAP). 2. Is there one subject that is giving you trouble consistently? Some students score well on every test they’ve ever been given thats not algebra. Almost every student has one pesky subject that simply wont let them get straight As. If this is the case, it’s a good idea to sit down and talk with your teacher and parents to identify which concepts you need extra help in. Whether you end up working with a tutor or joining a study group, once you identify the concepts you dont understand youll be able to move forward. 3. How often do you talk to your classroom teacher? If like most students, youre thrilled to run out of the classroom at the end of the period and move on to something else, you may be missing out on valuable time with your teacher. Most high school teachers have office hours at least once a week and middle school teachers generally conduct office hours by appointment. If a student didnt understand a particular mathematical concept or if they didnt understand the character development in a novel, for example, the first person they should talk to is their teacher. In many cases, students can get help right away and avoid having any major educational issues. 4. Do you procrastinate when it comes to getting help? Students who wait until the end of the month to go and talk with their teacher may find they have 3 hours worth of questions but only 15 minutes to talk with their teacher. It can be overwhelming to attempt to learn all of these new concepts at once. In the future, try bringing one issue to the teacher at a time so that the amount of mental energy put in is minimal. 5. Do you have any extracurricular activities? In some cases, students attempt to be superstars and take on everything at once. They want to get straight As, be the star of their sports team, volunteer, and in some cases hold a part time job all at the same time. Attempting to master all of these things can leave students in the dust. If grades have suffered significantly its a good idea to think about what can be done over the summer versus what absolutely has to be done now. For instance, could that volunteer activity wait until July? Can you cut back hours at a part time job and only work during the weekend? Once students find a healthy balance, they’re more likely to be able to maintain a high GPA and do well on midterms and final exams. Its best to take this disappointment and turn it into an opportunity. Youre capable of scoring high on your finals, you just may need a little extra help. Dont hesitate to book your private Santa Ana tutor from TutorNerds. Call us today for more information. All blog entries, with the exception of guest bloggers, are written by Tutor Nerds. Are you an education professional? If so, email us at for guest blogging and collaborations. We want to make this the best free education resource in SoCal, so feel free to suggest what you would like to see us write.

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